HOLY REDEEMER: “The Redeemer of man, Jesus Christ, is the center of the universe and of history.” St. John Paul II began his papal magisterium with those penetrating words. Indeed, Jesus Christ must beat the center – at the center of my life and at the center of yours – if we are to experience the human fulfillment that our hearts so long for and desire. Christ must be at the center if we are to realize our greatest hope: life in Paradise for all eternity. Keeping Christ at the center is not always easy, is it? I struggle like you struggle. Together, though, as one family in Christ, even the struggle can be something beautiful. Walking with you over these past five years, I have known the profound beauty which Christ makes possible in communities of faith such as ours. Thank you for welcoming me into your parish and thank you for welcoming me into your lives! In the Liturgy of the Hours (the formal prayers that priests must pray throughout the day), there is a phrase found in the “Common of Pastors” section that always moves me: This is a man who loved his brethren and ever prayed for them. That is the kind of priest and that is the kind of pastor that I have tried to be for you. Admittedly, I have often fallen short. Too many times, I have been impatient in listening, abrupt in responding, or insufficient in my gift of self. No doubt, you could easily add to that catalog of faults! I sincerely apologize for each time I let you down or failed to be the priest that Christ expects me to be. I can say with assurance, though, that it has been a truly blessed five years for me here in Warren County. We have prayed together, worshipped together, laughed together (remember the time the pitcher broke during the Holy Thursday foot washing and everything and everyone got soaked?), cried together, mourned together, and peered into eternity together. In God’s mercy, I can truly say that I am grateful for each moment, even for the ones that were difficult, challenging or frustrating. God uses every one of those moments to draw us closer to himself, does he not? Now, as Jesus himself had to do, I must pack up and move on. I take comfort in remembering the Lord’s very own words: “To the other towns also I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom (Lk 4:43).” As I leave our beautiful Catholic Community and travel west to another, I carry each of you in my heart. I appreciate you. I love you. I look forward to that day when we will all be together again in the kingdom of heaven. Once we are there, as we walk the streets of gold and listen attentively to the angel choirs, no farewells will ever again be needed.
ABUNDANT GRATITUDE: Please know of my sincere gratitude for your warm notes, your kind words, and your expressions of farewell throughout these days of transition and moving on. Saying goodbye is not something I do particularly well, but you have helped me greatly. Thank you! May God reward you for your goodness and the love you have given to me!
UNTIL THE SHEEP COME HOME: Finally, today (June 30) will be my last day of authoring your Holy Redeemer Flocknote messages. I appreciate that so many of you have found them to be helpful in your walk with Jesus. Praise God for his goodness! For my part, I have absolutely enjoyed sending them each day. I do plan to introduce daily Flocknotes when I have arrived in my new parishes, but for now, the sheep are returning to the barn.
Mary, Mother of the Holy Redeemer – Pray for us!
Our Lady of Guadalupe – Pray for us!
St. Anthony – Pray for us!
St. Joseph – Pray for us!
Fr. Steve