November 26, 2023, Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
To My Spiritual Family of Holy Redeemer and St. Anthony,
The One Thing Necessary: Our Lord Jesus Christ is the King of the Universe, and please God, the king of our hearts. He is the one necessary thing. If I possess power and prestige and numerous riches . . . but I do not hold Jesus as sovereign in my heart . . . then I am lost and pitiable. I possess nothing. As we end the liturgical year and prepare to begin anew in Advent, the Church’s readings and prayers turn our attention to the last things: death and heaven or hell. Are you and I ready to stand before the King at the moment of our particular judgment? If Jesus Christ is indeed the one necessary thing in our lives, we have no reason to fear that moment.
Hello Darkness My Old Friend: Daylight is a fleeting commodity in our latitude and at this time of year. Yet as the darkness and the cold drive us indoors, we are given an opportunity for silence, stillness, and prayer. Please, slow down. Seek God. Open your mind and your heart to his presence. Certainly, God can break through the noise and rush of our lives, but more typically, he waits for our hearts to grow silent. In that silence, we are prepared to hear his words and heed his call. The whisper of God’s voice becomes audible in the stillness of our souls. We perceive his love. We know his embrace. Please, allow the darkness of these days to be an invitation to greater and more intimate prayer.
A Thirst for the Sacraments: One of the strategic anchors of our parish playbook is this: Thirst for the Sacraments. Every decision we make at Holy Redeemer must therefore take into account the following question – Are we cultivating and satisfying the sacramental longing of our parishioners? I get excited and my spirit is lifted when I see a full house at Mass or when the confessions run one after another. This weekend, four children are being baptized. That’s cause for joy! Nine members of our community are preparing to enter the Church at Easter. That’s cause for joy! In an age in which - sadly – lots of families and young people find religious practice to be pointless, many of our teenagers are saying yes to Catholicism and yes to confirmation. That’s a cause for joy! Regarding the Sacrament of Reconciliation particularly, has it been awhile since you’ve confessed? Is the Holy Spirit maybe tugging on your heart to go again? Do not be afraid! The unfathomable mercy of God awaits you in the confessional.
Taking a Deep Jesus Breath: The past couple of Decembers we’ve invited in musicians, heartily celebrated Marian feast days, and otherwise observed Advent with an outward gusto. For this year’s Advent season (which is only 23-days long due to the calendar fall), we are taking a deep breath and cultivating silence. No big concerts or parties this Advent. We just want to be still. We want to listen. We want to allow the grace of Christ’s love to wrap itself around us like a blanket. He is in fact our comfort and our hope. In the silence of these coming Advent days, breath Jesus in. He loves you. He cherishes you!
Mary, Mother of the Redeemer – Pray for us! Our Lady of Guadalupe – Pray for us! St. Anthony – Pray for us! St. Joseph – Pray for us!