Our crew going to NCYC this year in Long Beach will
be passing out M & M Minis at Masses this
weekend. Please consider returning the tube with a
donation to our lodging at the conference. Any
amount will make a difference in getting 47 pilgrims
across the country and to this amazing event for our
young Church. We are also doing a FALL CASH
BASH throughout November. Tickets are available
from any pilgrim or you can get one from Jennifer.
They are $20 each; only 300 will be sold. Prizes
include $1000.00; $750.00; 2 x $500.00; and
$250.00. Just in time for your Christmas shopping,
get one today before they are gone! For all the
donations we have received so far, we are so
grateful! Your generosity is overwhelming, and as
you will hear this weekend from our young people,
your investment is wise! THANK YOU!