MEMORIAL DAY CEMETERY MASS: This Monday, May 27, we will gather near the mausoleums at St. Joseph Cemetery to celebrate the annual Warren County Catholic Community Memorial Day Mass. This is always a well-attended and moving event. As we pause to remember our deceased loved ones this holiday weekend, may God grant them pardon and peace. In a special way, and recalling the original intent of Memorial Day, we remember and give thanks for our military veterans who have served our nation so faithfully. May those soldiers, sailors and airman who have heard the mournful call of Taps trumpeted for them, now know the never-ending joy of life with Christ.
FIRE PIT UPDATE: Several parishioners are working with our landscaping aficionados – John and Cathy Graves – to plan the next step of development in our new fire pit area. Visitors to Holy Redeemer often comment on the beauty of our grounds, and I myself am a big believer in the idea that beauty leads us to the contemplation of God. John and Cathy have met with the landscape professionals who helped us redesign our garden areas a couple of years ago. The Graves and the fire pit “working group” are formulating a plan to bring additional loveliness to the fire pit area, to provide fencing and/or stone walls, and importantly, to upgrade the area with additional seating, picnic furnishings, and recreation space. They are also cognizant of a need to provide shade, so pavilions and other sun blocking ideas are being discussed. This is an exciting project! We are hoping to have much of the work completed by the week of Vacation Bible School.
NO VACATION FROM OUR VOCATION: The first of our parish “Core Values” is to be an Authentic Witness. This means that Christ is at the very center of all that we are and all that we do. Summer is almost here and so is vacation season. A popular saying in the seminary was – There is no vacation from your vocation. This applies not just to seminarians and priests, but to all of you as well. Your vocation as a Catholic must be nurtured and fed. The Sunday Eucharist (or Saturday evening) is essential! To be an authentic witness is to be at Mass each and every Sunday. If we are not present, we are telling the world that Jesus Christ really doesn’t matter as much as my yardwork or my sporting event or my dance rehearsal or my time on the couch. The Catholic Church in the United States is in the midst of a Eucharistic Revival. The impetus for this Revival came precisely from the realization that countless Catholics absent themselves from church each Sunday. This is tragic (in the true sense of the word). Missing Mass is a direct threat to our eternal salvation. Next weekend, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ. Martyrs throughout the centuries have literally laid down their lives for the reality that Jesus Christ is truly and substantially present in the bread and wine that we offer at Mass. Their example should stir us to a greater Eucharistic fervor. I pray that you and I will desire Jesus in the Eucharist more than we desire anything else in the world. Our Lord’s love for us nailed him to the cross. Every Sunday, Christ eagerly awaits our participation in the Mass. Please, be an authentic witness. Don’t take a vacation from your vocation this summer. Be at Mass – every. single. Sunday.
Our Lady of Guadalupe – Pray for us!
St. Anthony – Pray for us!
St. Joseph – Pray for us!
Fr. Steve