To My Spiritual Family of Holy Redeemer and St. Anthony,
Catholic Services Appeal: This Sunday is the official kick-off for the 2023 Catholic Services Appeal. Not only do our contributions support the various works of the Church in this region, but we will be using the monies that are above and beyond the diocesan assessment to replace the damaged baptismal font at Holy Redeemer. If you have your pledge ready this weekend, feel free to drop it in the collection basket. You can also do what I did, by bringing your pledge envelope to the office. Thank you sincerely for your generosity! God bless you for your support!
Lenten Practices: The penitential (yet joyous) season of Lent begins this Wednesday, February 22 – Ash Wednesday. We will offer ashes during the 7:00 am Mass. I will also be at Kinzua Rehabilitation and Rouse Suites for Masses that day. Please remember to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent (all the more reason to pick up a great meal at the Sheffield Knights of Columbus fish fry). Remember too that those aged 18-59 who are in good health are required to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. We will not have to abstain, though, on Friday, March 17. St. Patrick is the patron saint of our diocese!
Lenten Penance: Traditionally, we give up something for Lent, correct? This year, I am asking you to do something. Please come to the Lenten Mission. To grow in holiness, we need to step out in faith, turn away from sin, embrace the cross, and allow our hearts to be set on fire with Christ’s love. This is what our Parish Mission is all about. Young or old, single or a family – I’m asking you to be with us each of the nights from March 13-15. By my reasoning, if you sacrifice the time and spiritual energy to take part in the Mission, that is a greater gift to God than giving up chocolate or soft drinks. Of course, you can do both/and . . . but please . . . give God the gift of your presence at the Mission.
Missionary Discipleship: To help us remember our call to missionary discipleship, the dismissal from Mass this Lenten season will be one of the liturgical options that we rarely use: “Go and announce the gospel of the Lord!” This is a profound summons. The Lord wants all of us - you and me and every Christian - to be his apostles and his heralds. We cannot excuse ourselves from this obligation. More wonderfully yet . . . we have the best news in the world to share! We get to tell people that Jesus loves them! We get to tell people that Jesus is risen from the dead! Please do that. Please step out in faith and trust. I know that it can be daunting. Believe me, sometimes I am afraid to speak out during an encounter and I’m supposed to be a “professional” missionary disciple! But love drives out fear, right? When we lean on the Holy Spirit, God is the one that opens hearts. He chooses to use you and me as his emissaries. Pretty amazing, isn’t it?! God trusts you and me to spread his gospel of love! Amen? Amen!!
Mary, Mother of the Holy Redeemer – Pray for us! Our Lady of Guadalupe – Pray for us! St. Anthony – Pray for us! St. Joseph – Pray for us!