To My Spiritual Family of Holy Redeemer and St. Anthony:
The Holy Season of Lent: The time of Lenten prayer, fasting and penance begins this Wednesday, February 14 – Ash Wednesday. Although not a holy day of obligation, Ash Wednesday is an important day, a day to remember that “you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” After our morning Ash Wednesday Mass at Holy Redeemer, I will offer Mass at both Kinzua Rehabilitation and at the Rouse Suites. Deacon Ray will be distributing ashes at the Watson Home. Deacon Larry will be doing the same at Warren State Hospital. Fr. Rick and the folks at St. Joseph will also be providing opportunities for those beyond the normal reach of our sanctuaries to mark the day with ashes. My “Lenten Challenge” for you is a simple one: Attend all three evenings of the February 20-22 Mission. I would especially like to see our young families present and together for these privileged days of spiritual renewal. In addition to the Mission, a good number of you will commit to being at daily Mass during Lent. I applaud you. Others will deny themselves various worldly pleasures or add extra prayer time to their routines. Again, I applaud you. Our enemies – the flesh, the devil, and the world – do not wish to see us taking Lent seriously. For the good of our souls and for the love of Jesus Christ our Savior, may you and I indeed take Lent seriously. The reward is eternal.
A “Knight” for Fish and Fellowship: The men of the Sheffield Knights of Columbus, along with their wives, are again hosting their famous Friday fish fry at the St. Paul Center in Saybrook. This year, both dine-in and take-out options are available. As part of our Lenten practice, why not enjoy the fine food and fellowship brought to us by the Sheffield Knights?
World Day of the Sick: Today, the Church throughout the world remembers all those who are suffering from sickness and disease. In our own local Catholic community, we have many parishioners who carry the cross of infirmity. We also have numerous men and women in our community who suffer the loneliness and loss of being confined to bed or a nursing facility. The sick are among the “favorites” of God. Those who bear the pain of illness or old age definitely deserve our special care. Nonetheless, I admit my own failure to do this well. Too often, I get caught up in other responsibilities or in my own selfish activities, and I neglect the care of the sick that my priestly office demands. Please forgive me. But also – please help me. I am grateful when you let me or Deacon Ray or the staff know that a loved one is sick or facing surgery. We appreciate when you tell us that a loved one has been transferred to a new hospital or long-term care home. I am particularly grateful when you don’t wait for Sunday Mass to tell me that someone is sick. Weekdays are my best days to make non-emergency sick calls. If someone is in danger of death, please call immediately (and any time of day or night)!
2024 Catholic Services Appeal: Today is “Commitment Sunday” for the bishop’s 2024 fundraising campaign. The CSA materials have arrived in our mailboxes, and we also have pledge envelopes in both churches. We so appreciate your generosity in supporting this campaign. Thank you! This year, we do not have a specific project in mind for the parish portion of monies raised, but we will use those funds as needs arise (which they usually do ). God bless you and thank you again!
Mary, Mother of the Redeemer – Pray for us!
Our Lady of Guadalupe – Pray for us!
St. Anthony – Pray for us!
St. Joseph – Pray for us!
Fr. Steve