To My Spiritual Family of Holy Redeemer and St. Anthony,
Welcome Advent: There is a beautiful, spiritual sweetness to the Advent season, but we should also take care not to overlook the vital “soul work” that these four weeks call us to undertake. Certainly, we are preparing to celebrate the birth of Christ in time, but more profoundly still, we seek to allow the God-man to become incarnate in our very own lives. That work must be done today and every day. Advent is a privileged time to do so, for sure. As I mentioned last week, we, as a parish, are not planning any major events this Advent. We are seeking instead to be still, silent, and open to God’s presence. The scriptures for this season are incredibly profound: Are you able to attend Mass daily so as to hear them in their fullness? The music of this season is restrained, but pregnant with meaning: Might you use music as a pathway to deeper prayer? Not unlike Lent, Advent is a penitential season (hence the violet vestments worn at the altar): Is there a specific mortification or sacrifice that will prepare your soul to better receive God’s grace? Please pray for me during this season that I may shepherd you well in preparation for Christmas. In turn, I will pray for you that this Advent may be a season that sees you reap great spiritual fruit. Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!
Tithing Our Blessings: For years, Holy Redeemer has supported a “sister parish” in Yucatan, Mexico. It was a good and fruitful partnership. I believe that we are now at a point, though, in which this relationship has run its course. Why? Many of the folks who originally fostered our “sister parish” connections and kept them vibrant are no longer able to do so. Also, as a parish, our support for the poor in other places and by other means has taken on new importance (think of our tithes for Haiti and our support of local food security programs). I have therefore made the decision to end our financial support of the “sister parish.” The Finance Council was advised of this at our last meeting. In December, our parish tithe will go to support the Amazing Parish movement. The coaching and support that our parish leaders – especially me – have received from Amazing Parish has been of incalculable worth. I’m pleased that we can financially support their work. Thank you for your continued generosity which allows us to tithe!
Our NCYC Experience: Just a couple of weeks ago, the Warren Catholic Community had the largest group at National Catholic Youth Conference from our diocese. What a testament that is to Jennifer Wortman (Faith Formation Director), our supportive parents and families, and our wonderful teenagers themselves! Special thanks go as well to all of our adult chaperones (who were absolutely great throughout the four days of our experience). There was so much joy at NCYC. The Holy Spirit was moving in our students, for sure, and the fire was ignited. Praise God for his goodness! Joy over fear should always be our choice. Our NCYC teens have shown us this way. Also, God’s mercy always has power over sin. Many of the priests at NCYC (and there were well over 100) heard confessions for six hours or more during a two-day span. Thousands of youth and adults (including your pastor) were able to trade in their sins for forgiveness and freedom. What about you? Please avail yourself of the Sacrament of Reconciliation during this Advent season. Jesus came to save us and set us free from the grasp of sin. Allow him to do exactly that for you! God bless you all and have a wonderful First Week of Advent!
Mary, Mother of the Redeemer – Pray for us! Our Lady of Guadalupe – Pray for us! St. Anthony – Pray for us! St. Joseph – Pray for us!